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fïl;a wÆ;au Yßhd kS;shla o @ 
uqia,sï <uqkag fkdaïì ksid wfkl=;a cd;sfha <uqkag jeisls<sfha wydr .ekSug ksfhda.hla

fuu PdhdrEm j,ska oelafjkafka uef,aishdfõ mdi,l uqia,sï fkdjk <uqkag w;aù we;s lK.dgqodhl brKu ms<sn|jh' tu mdif,a fï Èkj, fkdaïì w,a,k uqia,sï <uqka ksid fuu <uqkag fï wjidkdjka; brKug ,lajkakg isÿù we;'

uqia,sï <uqka fkdaïì w,a,k neúka Tjqka ksrdydrj isáhs' tneúka tu mdif,a isák wfkl=;a cd;s j, <uqkag mdie,a mx;s ldurh ;=< wdydr .ekSu ;ykï lr Tjqkag jeisls,sh ;=< wdydr .ekSug kshu lr we;'

l=uk cd;shl <uqka jqK;a l=uk wd.ul kS;shla jqK;a fuh ienúkau ms<sl=,a l< hq;= lreKls' úYîc ksrka;rfhka .ejfik lsisu m%sh;djhla we;s fkdjk fujka jeisls<s ldur wi, fufia <uqkag wdydr .ekSug ksfhda. lsÍu ;sßika kS;shls' l=uk wd.ul ksfhda.hla jQj;a fuh w;sYhskau wjcd;lhkaf.a ksfhda.hla f,i i,ld fy<d oelsh hq;=h'



  1. Anonymous  

    Fool writer!! it is not the matter rule of in Islam, is the matter of school administration, whats wrong with you all, why always try to blame Islam? why jelous of Islam, Is islam says non muslims must go to bathroom and eat, If Islam ask to jump non muslims will they jump, You Idiots clean your selves before clean others, take action to school admin. and dont be a FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL..Moda haraka...

  2. Anonymous  

    meka agamey prashnayak nemei iskoley prashnayak. hariyata apey hamuduruwan "harak" witharak maranna epa kiyanawa wagey.

  3. Anonymous  

    meka agamey prashnayak nemei iskoley prashnayak. hariyata apey hamuduruwan "harak" witharak maranna epa kiyanawa wagey.

  4. Anonymous  

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  5. Anonymous  

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  6. Anonymous  

    Yes it's not the problem of Islam but the people who follow Islam.
    You see what's the different.

  7. Anonymous  

    Yes it's not the problem of Islam but the people who follow Islam.
    You see what's the different.

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