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.=rejßh oK .eiajQ njg Tmamq lf<d;a ioygu foaYmd,kfhka iuq.kakjd 
jhU m<d;a iNd ysgmq uka;%S wdkkao ir;

wdkkao ir;a uy;d ish Èh‚h yd wdOdr lrejka iuÕ ixfõ§ fudfyd;l''' PdhdrEmh - ñysr úfP–fialr
isoaêhg wod< .=rejßh oK .eiai jQ njg Tmamq lf<d;a uu uka;%S Oqrfhka muKla fkfuhs foaYmd,kfhkao bj;a fjkjd' tjeks fohla uu lf<a kE' fuh udj wmyiq;djg m;a lrkak ug úreoaO wh Èh;a l< l=uka;%Khla nj jhU m<d;a iNd ysgmq uka;%S ir;a wdkkao l=udr uy;d mjihs' 

kj.;af;a.u kfjdaoHd uy úoHd,fha .=rejßhl oK .eiai ùfï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,en rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; fldg isg wdKu~qj ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej remsh,a mkaoyil uqo,a wem yd remsh,a ,laI 5 ne.ska jQ YÍr wem u; Èid úksiqre yd ufyaia;%d;a rx. Èidkdhl uy;df.a ksfhda.fhka uqod yeÍfuka miq /iaj isá msßi wu;d wdkkao ir;a l=udr uka;%Sjrhd tfia mejiSh' 

fï iïnkaOj meñ‚,slrejkag ydidlalslrejkag lsisu n,mEula fkdl< hq;= nj;a iEu i;shlu bre Èk Wfoa 07'00 - 12'00 ;a w;r kj.;af;a.u fmd,sishg fmkS isáuo ksfhda. lf<ah' wem ,nd .ekSfuka wk;=rej wêlrK N+ñfhka meñK uka;%Sjrhd ms<s.ekSug Tyqf.a wdOdrlrejka /ila meñK isá w;r wk;=rej uka;%Sjrhd fm<md,shlska wdKuvqj k.rh olajd /f.k .shy'''''''''' 

isoaêh iïnkaOfhka kj.;af;a.u biqre mdif,a ksfhdacH úÿy,am;s úchr;ak uy;dg ó<Õ kvq Èkh jk cq,s 25 od wêlrKh yuqfõ fmkS isák f,i okajd fkd;sis ksl=;a lsÍugo ufyia‌;%d;ajrhd ksfhda. lf<ah
,xld .=re ix.uh yd .=re fiajd ix.uh wêlrKh bÈßmsg .=rejßh oK .eiaiùfï isoaêh fy<d olsñka úfrdaO;d jHdmdrhla meje;ajQfhah' tu msßi wdKu~qj uOH uyd úoHd,h olajd md .ukska f.dia úoHd,h bÈßmsg§ úfrdaO;dj meje;ajQy' 
/iaj isá msßi weue;+ uka;%Sjrhd fufiao mejiSh' 
zfuu isoaêh .ek uu b;d lk.dgqfjkjd' isoaêh ms<sn| ksje/È f;dr;=re ikaksfõokh fkdùu .eko ud lK.dgqfjkjd' §¾> ld,hla foaYmd,kh l< ksid udOH ms<sn| f,dl= f<ka.;=lula ;snqKd' kuq;a fï fj,dfõ udOH ms<sn|j;a lk.dgq fjkjd' fkdlrmq isoaêhla ms<sn|j fï wdldrfhka m%pdrh ,nd§u .ek ÿlhs' isoaêh fjk fj,dfõ ksfhdacH úÿy,am;sjre fom<la wdpd¾h uKav,fha y;r fofkla uqrlrefjla .=rejßhla fï ish¨‍ fokdu lshkjd uka;%S;=ud jdykfhka neiafia kE lsh,d' uu ue;sjrK 5lg uqyqK ÿkakd' wdKuvqj wdikfha ck;dj ud iuÕ bkakjd' uu wjqreÿ 22la ;siafia yod .;a; wd;au f.!rjh ke;s jqKd' uu iodpdriïmkak ñksfyla wrlal= fndkakE' uia ud¿ lkafka kE' uu mdi,g mK jf.a wdof¾ l<d' ta ksid ;uhs uf. orefjd ;=ka fokdu fï mdi,g tõfõ' fuu .=rejßh oK .eiaijQ njg Tmamq lf<d;a uu uka;%S Oqrfhkau fukau foaYmd,kfhkau bj;a fjkjd' fujeks fohla uu lf<a kE' udj wmyiq;djg m;a lrkak ug úreoaO wh l< l=uka;%Khla' 


  1. Anonymous  

    Ehemam apida dana gassuwe

  2. Dilushara  

    mu dana gassala ne. miss thaniyama dana gahagena thiyenne

  3. Anonymous  

    එතකොට මීට ඉස්සර වරෙන්තුවක් තියෙන එකත් බොරුද? දැන්නම් මූට පාර්ලිමේන්තු යන්න උපරිම සුදුසුකම් තියෙනවා. දැන් බබා, වරෙන් කුක්කු පොවන්න මගේ බෝතලේ හොදට ලොකුයි, කිරි ගොඩාක් අල්ලනවා.

  4. Anonymous  

    ewapan umbe duwawa kukku powanna kalakanniya

  5. Anonymous  

    Ananda kollo, do not be too panic. I consider you as a hero. You need to dash coconut. You know coconut is very expensive. Do not waste your money on all those unnecessary things.You know what tricks I have played and what turmoil I have gone through to come to this position. Do not Annanda kollo, dont worry. Let this tide be over. You know these silly idiots of this country will forget everything in a week.Let also the Wayamba polls be over. Then I will appoint you as the Wayamba Maha Amathi

    Ever loving,

    The king

    PS. W#e have very patriotic people like Mervyn silva, Duminda Silva etrc. You are more PATRIOTIC ABOVE LL OF THEM

  6. Anonymous  

    Ananda kollo, do not be too panic. I consider you as a hero. You need to dash coconut. You know coconut is very expensive. Do not waste your money on all those unnecessary things.You know what tricks I have played and what turmoil I have gone through to come to this position. Do not Annanda kollo, dont worry. Let this tide be over. You know these silly idiots of this country will forget everything in a week.Let also the Wayamba polls be over. Then I will appoint you as the Wayamba Maha Amathi

    Ever loving,

    The king

    PS. W#e have very patriotic people like Mervyn silva, Duminda Silva etrc. You are more PATRIOTIC ABOVE LL OF THEM

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