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isâks kqjr wjkay,lg lvd jeÿKq ;=jlal=lrefjla tys isá mqoa.,hska msßila ish m%dK wemhg .kS
whs'tia' ler<slrejkaf.a jevla
ikakoaO mqoa.,hl= Tiag%ේ,shdfõ isâks kqjr wjkay,l isá mqoa.,hska lsysmfofkl= m%dK wemhg f.k ;sfí' úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkafka" wjkayf,a ljq¿jla ;=<ska bia,dï igkaldókaf.a wl=re iys; l¿ meye;s Ochla o olakg ,efnk nj h' fï fya;=fjka uOHu isâks m%foaYhg we;=¿ùfuka j<lsk f,i fmd,Sish trg ck;djg oekqï §  ;sfí'

fï jk úg wod< m%foaYfha fmd,sia Nghska ish .Kkla fhdojd we;s w;r isâks Tfmrd rx. Yd,dj we;=¿ k.rfha jeo.;a ia:dk /ilska mqoa.,hska bj;a lsÍug n,OdÍka mshjr f.k ;sfí' wod<
wjkay, foiska fjä yඬ weiqKq njg Tiag%ේ,shdkq udOH jd¾;d l< o fuf;la ta ms<sn|j ;yjqre ù fkdue;' brdlfha yd isßhdfõ whs' tia' igkaldókag tfrys cd;Hka;r fufyhqï i|yd Tiag%ේ,shdj iyh fok w;r whs' tia' igkaldókag iyh ÿka  Tiag%ේ,shdkq cd;slhska h<s ish rg n,d meñ”u  ms<sn|j rch oeä wjOdkfhka miq fõ'Dozens of people are being held hostage by a terrorist who stormed into a central Sydney cafe with a gun and forced crying women to hold a black Islamic flag up to the windowA man believed to be one of the hostage-takers was filmed wearing a black headband covered in Arabic inside the cafeTerrified customers and employees were among those standing with their hands against the window at the Lindt cafe in SydneyA hostage could be seen pressing their hands up against the window of the cafeOne blonde-haired hostage was pictured inside the cafe through the glass doors standing in the middle of the shopPolice officers were spotted climbing through the first floor window above the Lindt cafe to help evacuate those insideScores of police have surrounded the cafe in Martin Place amid claims the terrorists are also armed with a machete and may have explosivesArmed police have sealed off streets around the cafe and Martin Place station is shutArmed police have sealed off streets around the cafe and Martin Place station is shutPolice heavily armed with weapons have covering all corners of Martin Place Thousands of workers have been evacuated from the buildings in Martin Place and have been directed to another areaPeople in the area encompassing Hunter, George, Elizabeth and Macquarie streets bordering Martin Place have been directed to remain indoors and away from open windowsEmergency services have shut down the area surrounding Martin Place as they continue the operation Police have handcuffed a man 200m from the cafe with reports an officer has hit foot on what appears to be a small black handgunHostages: People could be seen with their hands pressed against the window of the Lindt cafe in SydneyPolice have shut down Martin Place train station and office buildings in the area have been evacuatedOther areas of Sydney are feeling a heavy police presence as the siege at Martin Place continuesWitnesses have described the chaotic scenes in Martin Place as the area was shut down and scores of police surrounded the buildingArmed police evacuated office staff next to the Lindt cafe on Monday afternoonPolice helped direct employees who were in lockdown in a building near the cafe under siegeWomen help an elderly lady as they are evacuated by NSW Police from Martin PlaceThree women were pictured rushing through Philip Street past armed police as they fled Martin PlaceIt is unclear how many people are involved in the siege in a Lindt cafe in Martin Place but people could be seen with their hands pressed against the windows (second window)


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