fhdjqka ird.s fnd,sjqâ iskud ks<shl jk 25 yeúßÈ ðhd Ldka uqïndhs ys ish ksjyfka § Bfha ^03& rd;%sfha f., je<,df.k ñh f.dia we;s njg bkaÈh udOH jd¾;d lrhs'
flfia kuq;a wef.a urKh iïnkaOfhka ðhd Ldkaf.a ksjfia fufylre" uqrlre iy wi,ajdiSkaf.ka m%Yak lsÍï wdrïN lr we;s njhs uqïndhs fmd,Sish ioyka lf<a' rdï f.damd,a j¾udf.a ksYdíoa Ñ;%mgfhka 2007 jif¾ § ߧ ;srhg meñKs weh wó¾ Ldka iu. .ðks Ñ;%mgfha o r.mEjd'
wlafIa l=ud¾ iy §msld mÿfldaka iu. 2010 jif¾ r.mE idðoa Ldkaf.a yjqia *q,a" ðhd Ldkaf.a wjika Ñ;%mghhs'
ðhd Ldkaf.a Pdhdrem lsysmhla
Jun 5, 2013, 10:26:00 PM
An elegant lady who will be missed. No one should feel so alone or helpless or hopeless. It reminds me of the poor farmer souls Palgummi Sainaith writes about. When people feel the cannot make your way in the world, earn bread, gain a positive reputation, that no one cares or will help, that problems are unsolvable, they take their lives. We should look at our familes, neighbors, coworkers, friends, people we see in despair on the streets and offer at least a kind word if nothing else. I am grieved the young lady is gone and I will show greater affection for my own daughters, and listen to them more carefully as a consequence.
Dec 4, 2013, 8:03:00 PM
I still in shock after a sudden death of Jiah, RIP