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Exact Moment: People react as an explosion goes off near the finish at the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injuredfndiagka uer;‍ka ;r.‍fha ‍fndaïn msmsÍula ^PdhdrEm my;ska ‍fõ&

wo Èk meje;ajqK fndiagka uer;ka Odjk ;rÕh w;r;=r we;sjQ fndaïn m%ydr‍fhka ;sfofkl= Ôú;laIhg m;a ù we;s w;r 130 lg wêl m%udKhla ;=jd, ,nd we;s nj wfußldkq wrxÑ ud¾. mjihs' ta w;r wjqreÿ 8 l msßñ ore‍fjla o isák nj jd¾;d ‍fõ'

ie;emqï 26'2 hq;a uer;ka Odjk ;rÕfha wjidkh krUñka isá msßi fufia oyj,a 3'00 muK m%ydrhg ,laù we;'

‍fuu m%ydrh l=uk  wruqKlska  ljqreka úiska isÿlf<aoehs fkdokakd nj;a ta ms<sn|j fiùug ish¨‍ W;aidyhka .kakd nj;a  ckdêm;s nerla Tndud m%ldY lf<ah' tfukau ckdêm;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a mjikafka wfußldfõ wdrlaIdj ;r lrk njh'

fndiagka frday,a wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrkafka fuu msmsrefuka wju jYfhka mqoa.,hska úYd, msßilf.a fomd j,g oeä ydks isÿj we;s njh'

Horror: Two bombs exploded near the crowded finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing two people and injuring dozens others in a terrifying scene of broken glass, smoke and severed limbs, authorities saidkkRunners continue to run towards the finish line of the Boston Marathon as an explosion erupts near the finish line of the race Members of the armed forces present at the Boston Marathon rush to help those stricken by the bomb attack today at the finish line Exact Moment: People react as an explosion goes off near the finish at the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injuredA man comforts an injured woman on the sidewalk at the scene of the first explosion on Boylston Street near the finish line of the Boston MarathonAn injured person is helped on the sidewalk near the Boston Marathon finish line following Monday's two bomb blasts Carnage: Injured people and debris lie on the sidewalk near the Boston Marathon finish line Horrific Injuries: Medical workers aid an injured man at the 2013 Boston Marathon who screams out in pain Bystanders help stem the bleeding of an injured woman at the scene of the first explosion on Boylston Street near the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon today Passersby help an injured man on the sidewalk near Marathon Sports after two explosions almost simultaneously went off near the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon todayHeroes: Emergency personnel rush an injured girl away from the scene after two explosions went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon today killing two and injuring over 100 Anguish: Medical workers aid an injured woman at the finish line of the Boston Marathon following two almost simultaneous detonations today Terror: An injured individual near the finish line of the Boston Marathon is rushed away from the scene on a stretcher todayHelping Hands: An injured man lays on the ground following the explosionsThe first bomb exploded at around 2.50 p.m.kkkk


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